
"Creating something slightly different"
Kick - Punch - Evade
Combat based on physics, more dynamic, more realistic and fun.
hit, throw objects, crush them with a column, all thanks to the physics system.

Shoot - Cut - Hit!
Use all kinds of firearms, explosives, blades and blunt weapons.
There are also consumable items.
Destroy - Slice - Deform!
The true destruction of the environment, real sense of power.
destroy everything you can.

Strength - Magic - Power!
Some characters have their special element, strength and weakness.
not all characters have * "Singularity" *, some are "Standard".
-Take a look-
I'm a solo game developer creating a physics-based beat 'em up.
Super powers, martial arts and massive destruction.
are some of the bases of the game, in teams or alone, you can fight against minions or bosses.
(which you can also use as your character!).
not available at the moment